
Duration of the class - 60 minutes

High or Low intensity?  - Bits of both

Which body areas are targeted in this class? Full Body

What will I gain from this class? - You will improve your balance, strength and flexibility.  The challenge is what you make it by how hard you push yourself!  We also enjoy fun music, fresh choreography every 4-6 weeks, and a giggle no doubt.  

What type of equipment is used? Yoga Mat

Are you required to bring anything to the class? Yoga mat, small towel, and a water bottle.  Trainers are optional during class.

Who is the class aimed at? Anyone who loves a mix of pilates, yoga, HIIT, core, stretch and strength movements.

Beginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced class? Is it suitable for anyone? - Suitable for anyone willing to try something new.

How many in a class? 12

Who is the teacher? Hi! I'm Sara and I'm your PiYo Live Instructor.  My background is in nursing and I am a Level 3 PT and Nutrition and Weight Management Advisor.  Our family moved from Colorado in the USA to Harrogate in 2018.  I'm looking forward to meeting you.


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06-05-2024 10:00 Book online